Exhibitions: Sabrina Yegela '13
September 18, 2013
How Not to Hate White People Sept. 18 - Oct. 15 Barrows Rotunda Gallery Hours: Tues-Sat, 12:30-10PM. Sun 12:30 - 5:30PM.Closed Mondays and Holidays.
[more]How Not to Hate White People Sept. 18 - Oct. 15 Barrows Rotunda Gallery Hours: Tues-Sat, 12:30-10PM. Sun 12:30 - 5:30PM.Closed Mondays and Holidays.
[more]What Happened? July 19 - Sept. 4 Barrows Rotunda Gallery Hours: Tues-Sat, 12:30-10PM. Sun 12:30 - 5:30PM.Closed Mondays and Holidays.
[more]May 25 - Jul. 1 Barrows Rotunda Gallery Hours: Tues-Sat, 12:30-10PM. Sun 12:30 - 5:30PM.Closed Mondays and Holidays.
[more]Mar. 23 - Apr. 22 Barrows Rotunda Gallery Hours: Tues-Sat, 12:30-10PM. Sun 12:30 - 5:30PM.Closed Mondays and Holidays.
[more]Feb. 10 - Mar. 18 Barrows Rotunda Gallery Hours: Tues-Sat, 12:30-10PM. Sun 12:30 - 5:30PM.Closed Mondays and Holidays. More About the Artist Max Van Pelt '11 has a personal website with an online portfolio.